Top Social Media Marketing Agency

Tendsweb, Top Social Media Marketing Agency aims for your success . We fashion a team of social media experts who hold the roadmap and compass to boost your clientele by following through the path with calculative steps and strategies customized to your business and aligning with the workings of the social media of today.

Bridging the gap between you and the success of your business, Tendsweb builds your social presence to great exponential proportions, organically. The establishment of your brand image and growth of your brand recognition alongside building and maintaining healthy-harmonious relations with your customers are some of our major goals. We also intend to surge an exceptional increase of your influence and impact over your audience to generate more website traffic and give a tough fight to all your competitors in the industry.
Top Social Media Marketing Agency

Why these major goals?

Well, in the simplest of words, if one can, any person wouldn’t think twice before buying a famous brand and they wouldn’t consult multiple people before spending good money over it. This is not just because of the quality but rather the brand identity, recognition and awareness these companies have gained over the years in the industry as well as the trustworthy relationships they have developed with their customers.

Brand recognition, a milestone:

Tendsweb’s team of social media experts have the minds, means and resources to help you rise up to your success. They accomplish so by increasing followers and hence your brand awareness incredibly, therefore promising an increase in referrals and word of mouth which travels like wildfire. Not only this, they devise and execute the plans in such a manner that the crowd targeted comes under the umbrella shade of your ideal customer for your product.

Brand Engagement, a glue :

Just like any other undertaking of a relationship people engage in throughout their lifetimes, trust, loyalty, and understanding play a very significant role in the success of your potential customer relations. Our team understands the significance of the same and thus, take care that the same is harmoniously achieved and maintained. This leads to a boost in the engagement of your customers on your social media accounts. An increase in the account activity such as likes, comments and shares accompanied by adequate responses ensure a strong possibility of them buying from you.

Brand Exposure, a necessity:

Your website requires fueling ad campaigns and techniques that drive more and more traffic to the same. Our team of specialists have a tank full of ideas for all the fueling ad campaign and strategies to drive the maximum crowd to your website, converting them into your clients and hence increasing your business overall.

Have any question about us?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Social Media Marketing Content Examples

Top Social Media Marketing Agency
Top Social Media Marketing Agency
Top Social Media Marketing Agency
Top Social Media Marketing Agency

What amenities do we offer?

As a top social media marketing and management agency, we stand by our statement saying that we leave no stone unturned to score your goals. Offering services on every significant and beneficial social field necessary, with a team of professionals to play and trained to win, our squad is equipped to grab you your trophy.

Top Social Media Marketing Agency

Facebook Marketing Service:

With over 2 billion monthly users and 1.5 billion daily logins, facebook is sure to provide the most massive ground of traffic growth and boosted following, hence a stupendous potential increase in your clientele. Our team renders marketing and managing services to target this platform tactfully and successfully.

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Instagram Marketing Service:

Instagram marketing, acts as a means to aid the success of your brand by following in on the visual aids. With about 1 billion monthly users our social media marketing company makes sure to cover the grounds of this platform to its maximum through proper tactics and planning.

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Twitter Marketing

Twitter with over 100 million daily users provides a field with the most potential to gain clientele and brand recognition you aim to achieve, if properly tread. The social media experts in our team, therefore, follow through strategies, carefully designed to target the audience on this social platform satisfactorily.

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Pinterest Marketing

As per favourable statistics, Pinterest is a social media platform accommodating active users with an average income of $60,000 at least. Hence, a massive pool of potential customers surf through the boards as well as make extensive use of it to make most of their purchases. Tendsweb recognizes this prospect and devises plans to cover this significant arena as well.

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LinkedIn Marketing

With a landscape full of professionally equipped people, LinkdIn is a significant social media stage that should be explored calculatively. Offering you your brand’s increased visibility and also opportunities to strike immensely useful connection with important people, our social media company promises services to make the best of this potential and favourable field.

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What Procedure do we follow?

1. Assign a Social Media Manager Committed to Your Account:

Our top social media agency aims to tackle your unique and individual problems in the same manner as they deserve and require. To make sure that happens, your accounts are assigned with Social Media Manager committed to only you and your accounts and remain in your constant contact for proper communication. This assigned Manager will study your business and its requirements thoroughly then device and execute the strategy accordingly.

2. Develop a Social Media Strategy that is Specific to Your Business:

Since we understand the fact that each business is distinct and special in its own way and so are its requirements, the strategy devised to accomplish your preferential goals from our service is customized to your individual needs for maximum results.

3. Develop Content Calendars and Advertisements:

Ultimately, all the content, campaigns and hard work is being done on your behalf and hence your opinion is the first that matters. Thus, Tendsweb generates a content and campaign calendar which would be for you to approve before anything goes online.

4. Growth Optimization and Daily Maintenance:

Maintenance of your accounts to ensure growth is the top most of the priorities of our experts. Responding to all activities in order to increase engagement as well as using tools such as contests and featured sponsorships, we promise impeccable management of all aspects of your media.

5. Reporting and Communication:

Progress reports are essential to becoming better. Understanding the same, your assigned social media manager you are in contact with continually will also provide you with weekly and monthly reports and analytics of the implemented strategy’s outcome.
Have any question about us?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

What makes us Unique?

We, as a top social media marketing, strike the perfect balance between creativity and rationality throughout the process of creation, management and execution of the strategies devised for your business exclusively. This is followed by an exceptional follow through process of monitoring your accounts, responding to all activities and creation of unique content to gain maximum results. We aim for you to lead and pioneer.

Frequently Asked Questions


What value do we bring, both qualitatively and quantitatively?

We measure the effectiveness of our social media management and marketing service through the substantial progress it brings in the significant metrics online, an increased account following, website traffic, and brand recognition through the momentous surge in the audience engagement overall.
This indicator framework is designed specifically to align and guarantee success by spiking up your sales and clientele.

What would be the estimated rise in my following?

While your Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter might organically see an increase of 100-300 followers per month, Facebook recites a different story altogether. Since Facebook is such a massive platform, swiping through it proves to be slightly demanding as well as laborious. Thus, to achieve a rather notable increase of following through the stated platform, we fire articulate and effective ad campaigns.

What would be the estimated rise in my website traffic?

If swum through organically, social media acts as an indirect means to increase your website traffic. Thus, the results are not as immediate as compared to inorganic means of paid promotions and sponsoring. As we directly administer your social media accounts, your website traffic will increase with the substantial increase in your account following and engagement

When would the results be significant visibly?

In terms of noticing a substantial growth in the conversion rate overall, which is ultimately the main value behind all the hustle, the results are significantly notable after rigorous laborious investment into managing the accounts for about __ to __ months. This is due to the fact that social media management follows the path of organically achieving its goals. Increasing your following, engagement and hence your brand awareness through a chain reaction.

Although, you surely will notice a considerable rise in the following, likes, comments, and messages in the first ___ days, which will only move no other way but UP!

Setup Fees and more

What is the setup fee?

It does take time and effort to feed individualistic detailed information of every new client into all the necessary systems and software before we can get started on with the research and analysis and the following steps accordingly. However, we also realize that the investments you want to make are budgeted and calculative, thus we do not charge you for setup.

What time before we get started?

As soon as the upfront payment is made, we set off to get started without a second’s delay. Kicking-off with the prerequisite research if necessary followed by the development of the strategy which we follow till the very end, with the same momentum and zeal throughout.

Service and Working Together

Who will be directly managing my accounts?

We aim to administer very effective and micromanaged services to you. To accomplish the stated, your account is handled by a social media expert dedicated to your handle specifically. The aforementioned manages all the necessary aspects of your account regularly, be it responding to the activities online, maintaining an active presence through daily posts, etc as well as record the responses and report to you and us. This person will be your primary means of contact in case of any query.

All the content and actions performed first reported and carefully analyzed by a Director, before handing them over to you, guaranteeing the best quality to be sieved through.

How are you aiming to learn more about my business?

Communication is the key. Once the basics are ran over with you, we will prepare a suitably detailed questionnaire to get to know and learn about your business. This inquisition would be followed by a clarificatory call to understand more about your perspective and take on the content, your inclinations toward specific patterns and choices as well as clearing all remaining doubts or uncertainties regarding the questionnaire and your business left.

How do you aim to make content designed specifically for my business?

As we recognize your business vision, workings and product values, we also recognize your tastes and preferences through the aforementioned questionnaire. And since we have a record of the necessities, we start to build up the strategy and content using this data as building bricks. The strategy is developed concerning your ideal customer's preferences to start with, as formerly stated. If the stated aligns well with you as well, we start infusing the data, graphics, trends and your brand identity into the content developed to cook up dishes you’d approve of.

A calendar is set and all posts go live once they have your consent religiously

Would I be required to provide content?

No, you wouldn’t be required to provide us content in the least. Nevertheless, the more, the merrier. If you do have content that you wish to share, we would be more than glad to do so satisfactorily, since it is our priority to appease you by carrying out what we do best.

Thus, we will post and share original and captivating content, the main featuristics of which would be to make your audience curious about you and look forward to knowing more about you, as well as stay with you throughout.

How do you aim to develop my following?

Your social media account will be managed strategically to gain followers through direct means of regular posts, stories, and engagements, etc, i.e organically. While a rather quick and responsive path of paid promotions and advertisements can also be explored to do the same.

Do you aim to monitor the comments, messages, and reviews?

Of course. Your assigned social media manager will track every response on your social media account and respond to all the possible comments, messages and reviews he/she can, punctually. Subsequently seeking your assistance when necessary.

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The Top?

+91 99811-91061

Rank high & engage with the right audience to get success online. Contact us today!

Digital Marketing Agency in India    219, Ratnamani Complex New Palasia Indore(452001)

Digital Marketing Agency in India    Monday - Saturday: 10:30AM - 7:00PM

Digital Marketing Agency in India    +91 99811-91061